Thursday, December 8, 2022

"Reach Out or Fade Out!"


Roger E. Shepherd, DMiss

Every seed is a possible flower (Luther Burbank). We say, “Every sinner is a possible Christian.” The disciples of Jesus are instructed to sow the seed which is the Word of God (Luke 8:11). The seed of the kingdom cannot grow another Christian unless it is sown in the heart of lost people according to God’s will (1 Cor. 3:6–9). The seed sown in the human heart yields spiritual growth by multiplying disciples. Jesus encourages disciples to evangelize by sowing the seed of the kingdom reaching out into the community (Matt. 13:3). A church that seeks to reach out to the lost is not going to fade out! However, saints are encouraged “Reach out or Fade Out!” Some have chosen to “Reach Out!” Will you join the outreach efforts of the body of Christ? Personal teaching of the lost is exciting and profitable to kingdom growth. There is joy in heaven over sinners that repent (Luke 15:7).Sinners cannot repent unless they are taught. Otherwise, the church will fade out because Christianity is a taught religion.

The early disciples of Christ were trained to teach the gospel of the kingdom in ministry practice (Matt. 4:23–25). Disciples follow the example of Jesus to: 1) teach the Gospel, 2) preach the Gospel, and 3) minister to the needs of people. The gospel is the “power of God unto salvation” (Rom.1:16). Discipleship is specifically designed to search for souls interested in a home Bible study. The goal is to sow the seed of the kingdom so God can give the increase in souls converted to Christ.

God’s mission leaders are ready to help you learn how to effectively do outreach evangelism. The following things will aid you in this work:

  1. Know and appreciate the value of one soul (Matt. 16:26).
  2. Develop a likeable personality. Don’t get caught up in a clique. The lost need a friend (John 15:12–17).
  3. Have a genuine love and appreciation for lost people (Mark 6:34).
  4. Learn to effective do personal teaching in your local community.

In doing personal teaching in reaching the lost with the gospel, your sight of the present can preclude your view of the future. This is demonstrated by a wise Native American. He held an acorn before his two sons and asked: “What do you see?” One said, “An acorn.” He could only see the present. The other answered, “An oak tree.” To the second the father commented, “With your vision, some day you should be chief.” It makes a significant difference which one is seen; the present or a vision of the future. What do you see when you look at the world? Do you see lost souls? Do you see yourself teaching sinners how to be saved? Do you see that one can make a significant difference in the salvation of the lost? May that one be you!

Teaching of the gospel is a good investment! You are investing your money some way. One dollar spent for lunch last five hours. One dollar spent for a necktie lasts five weeks. One dollar spent for a cap lasts five months. One dollar spent for an automobile lasts five years. One dollar spent in the mission of God lasts for eternity (Roger Babson). You cannot take your money with you, but you can send it on ahead of you by teaching the gospel to the world (Matt. 6:19–20).

A tree, although it must have water to live, cannot stay alive simply by receiving water. It must give away gallons of it every day through its leaves. If in some way a tree should stop giving, it would also stop growing and would soon die (Raymond Balcomb). You are encouraged to start giving in abundance of your time, efforts, money, and teaching the gospel so many souls can live eternally. One hour spent in Bible study with the lost has eternal rewards.

Abraham Lincoln said, “The philosophy (opinions, ideas) of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” Likewise, the ideas of the biblical classroom will be the vision and direction of the church in all generations. Sowing the seed of the gospel of the kingdom in the lives of your children at a young age is very significant to their spirituality. Kingdom Dreamers evangelize the world. Our focus is evangelizing the world one person at a time. The Bible school is a great way to accomplish the mission of God that is make disciples.

The growing church continues to be about the Father’s business. Local evangelism is being revived with the leadership of good people. You can make a difference. Victory does not come from the will to win, but the will to prepare (Coach Bud Wilkinson). Preparation is always the hardest part of a job. Preparation sounds like a lot of hard work, pain, and sacrifice. It is! However, it is worth all the effort. You can prepare to make a difference in life. We have opportunity throughout the world to preach the gospel to the lost.

Talents are useful only when used in reaching out into the world with the gospel. “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent” (Calvin Coolidge). Persistence will put talent to work. God has given Christians the talent to evangelize the world.

Disciples are a team with God in sowing the seed of the kingdom to evangelize the world. The word team means Together Everyone Accomplishes More! Personal teachers are “workers together with Him” (2 Cor. 6:1). A team is a small number of people with complementary skills, who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves accountable to God (Katzenbach and Smith, The Wisdom of Teams, 112). The church can use your talent to help evangelize the world. Together we can Reach Out rather than Fade Out!